Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The layover

I may not be the most talented person when it comes to booking flights online. It just so happens that the one that I bought had a 9 hour (!) layover at JFK. One of the things that I freak out about is being late to anything, so it was quite a risk to think about leaving the airport during the layover. But 9 hours would be a long time to spend at JFK. The night before I left, I found out that some friends were also going to be in NYC- so then it was set, I would go exploring the city with them. So I met Kosmo and Ryan at the Brooklyn Bridge around 9:30 and after crossing the bridge on foot, with the help of an ipod, we found a Dunkin Donuts, Ground Zero, 2 cathedrals, the Hudson river and views of the Statue of Liberty. Topped off the afternoon with some pizza and hopped back onto the subway to JFK. And I managed to make it back to my gate with about 3 hours to spare!
Kosmo and Ryan are on a motorcycle trip, visiting every state in the country. You can follow their trip on their website The USA Motorcycle Trip

1 comment:

irene said...

wooohooo, you made it! loved the brooklyn bridge!