Sunday, January 24, 2010

we love LB

Yesterday was my "give a day, get a free disneyland ticket" volunteering day. We chose to help clean up our city, and boy was it a dirty little thing. We focused our efforts on storm drains because of the recent rains, so not only did we clean up a part of LB, but also saved a few oceans and whales while we were at it.

Cleaning up LB is entertaining in and of itself. The best piece of 'trash' we found all day was no contest: a dime bag of coke outside of an unnamed donut shop. Other honorable mentions included a dirty diaper (Ronnie found this one and will have nightmares for a few weeks about it), woman's underwear, a handle of a toy gun, and alot of qtips (are people really walking down the street cleaning their ears?)

The real question of the day we were all left with was this: After giving back to your community, what is the most valuable reward? A ticket to Disneyland or the chance to help out your neighborhood?

We all voted for the bag of coke.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Christmas Update

a tad bit late....

So I was alittle cryptic in sharing what Ronnie and I were doing for our Christmas gift, and for good reason- I was concerned that it may not turn out as I had envisioned. Which was true. So true that even in person, no one was able to accurately describe our creation. But it has grown on me over time, and maybe I can use that reason for the delay. But without further ado, behold- our Christmas sandman:otherwise known as the Christmas volcano. Ronnie had a bit of a different vision. Some may say it is cheating, but I'll let you be the judge:
What else did we get each other for Christmas? Why what I always wanted- a Honduran toilet!

All kidding aside, thank you Parkcrest for a great idea. This was a very special and meaningful Christmas for me.