Monday, March 13, 2006

Bluebirds are Evil!

Did you know that bluebirds are evil? For the third time (and the second time in 2 days), I came home today to see that my flower box has been violated. The stupid bluebirds pulled out my pansies to bury their peanut (which a neighbor feeds them). My poor pansy, just by its name you know it doesn't stand a chance next to those bully birds! Just look at them, they mean no harm to anyone. I know what to do when bugs are killing my flowers, but birds? Not to mention their obnoxious squawking at all hours of the morning, and let me tell you it is not pretty. Are there measures that I can take? Anyone know what I could do? I've used pesticides, but what do I do for these pests?

If anyone has seen 'Failure to Launch', I feel like the roommate to has that nemesis mockingbird. It's just too bad that my boyfriend doesn't have a BB gun....really

PS: I did get some revenge today. I saw one of those blues with a peanut in its beak, made it drop the nut and fly away. Then I stole its treat and threw it away. Ha Ha little bird, this is war!

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