Saturday, October 04, 2008

in bed

I am still sick I guess from a stomach bug that got me earlier this week. And although it may not have been MRSA, it still did freak me out a bit since I now spend my days at a hospital. Having a lot of free time because you are in bed recuperating may not be a good thing for someone who is a bit of a germaphobe and anxiety prone. The good news is that I am still alive, and the doctor said it was just a gastroenteritis. The bad news is:
1. I may not be hospital material, considering all of the worst-case scenarios that played out in my head. The situation was not helped by the fact that I am one of those millions of Americans that are uninsured. (The one redeeming moment of this week in bed: I have since purchased catastrophic insurance, and though it will add a brick or 2 to my wall of grad school debt, it is worth the alternative of performing my own appendectomy).
2. I have gone a week without beer or coffee, and it was a sad week indeed. I did some experimenting within the past 24 hours and I can confidently say my tummy is not ready for either legalized substance yet.
3. I am supposed to go out with friends tonight, which is a major bummer (see #2).

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