Saturday, February 02, 2008

uncharted territory

The wait is finally over and almost over at the same time. I know my clinic assignment now-- adults! I am excited for the opportunity to work with adults this semester, it is a completely new and forgein experience for me. After years and years of working with kids, this will certainly be an adjustment. I have actually only had one job since I started working after high school that didn't involve children. It was in a library at UCSD, working in an adjunct section of Inter Library Loan, where I scanned and emailed journal article to people all day. Boy was that exciting!
My main concern is breaking the habit of using that voice that you get with kids. I have certainly been conditioned for years (incorporating behavioral psychology terms here, please excuse me) to respond to whomever I am working with in that high but soft voice with an affirmative "good job!"
Clinic starts next week, let's hope I don't tell my adult clients that they are "awesome".
If I do a good job, can I at least get a sticker?

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

From my experience adults need just as much encouragement as children so an occasional awesome might actually work out. But then again my adults like the rewards of pedometers and free food samples as opposed to stickers and coloring sheets.