Tuesday, May 22, 2007

tart and sweet, fresh and airy

So because a one just opened down on 2nd street (and I am always looking for a distraction when it is really time to study), this post is dedicated to the yummy and delish pinkberry.

I don't know if you all have heard, but they have recently undergone some pretty serious accusations of heresy from the ice cream lords. I found this disclaimer on their website:
"As some of you are aware, claims have been made recently about the nature of our products. We want to assure everyone who enjoys pinkberry that the product is wholesome and made with fresh ingredients. We are, of course, investigating these claims and look forward to being able to demonstrate the quality of our product."

Crisis averted. We can all keep singing "Sorry ice cream, I’m on my way to pinkberry..."

ps: get the mochi, it is a delicious secret.


Anonymous said...

i love pinkberry! i wish they had one up in norcal.
how are you doing?

Anonymous said...

I have an idea...let's go to pinkberry next Sunday when Nat and I are driving through on the way home from SD and we want to stop and see you !

Anonymous said...

Well said.