Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It's (almost) over!

Well, it ended up being a virus more serious than the flu, but the good news is that I am better now and back into the swing of things. After completely demolishing my social calendar for a month (I missed 2 birthdays and a trip to Disneyland :( ) and staying in bed until I was so distraught that I started to develop a psychiatric illness on top of my medical one, I am happy to say that I returned to work last Monday. It is amazing that those words would actually come out of my mouth, but there it is in print: I was happy to go to work rather than be at home.

I got just a small taste of what my old roomate Allison had to deal with last year when she got something (that will also remain nameless because after all this is the internet) that left her in the hospital and bed for over a month. I realize now that I was not the best roomate that I could have been. So for all of you out there who have a friend that is homebound for any reason, please go visit them!

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